Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sick just seconds after submitting an essay - par for the course or someting more sinister?

I sucessfully completed and submitted my final FIT paper this morning. For countless hours my fingers danced across the keyboard with precision and grace as the words flowed out of my fingertips. My laptop and I became one. I edited as no one has edited before. I organized. I exhibited. I... threw up?

Did my brain and body simply cease to function in sync? Was it because I dared to eat chips while working on a paper for a subject with the acronym FIT? Or was it something more sinister *sinister organ music begins to play*.

Let's examine the evidence:

Situation 1: Summer, 2009. Media planning was in full swing and while I had already tendered my resignation, I was still working countless hours in a small, windowless office with poor circulation. Was I stressed out? CHECK. Was I up against a deadline? DOUBLE CHECK. Did I throw up? NO!!! Granted I did develop an eye twitch that lasted for more than a week, but that is technically not a sickness. It's just weird. I therefore conclude that stress doesn't make me sick.

Situation 2: April, 2001. I was in the midst of writing my first year final exams. I was surprisingly studious when compared to my other first year compatriots. (Then again, I hadn't developed, what is now a most sophisticated beer palate, so it's not surprising that my nose was stuck to a book while others' lips were stuck to a beverage). Exams were spread out over 3 weeks, stress was low. I was smart. I was prepared. I was... poisoned? Yes dear readers, just mere hours before my final kinesiology exam, I caught what can only be described as the single most severe case of food poisoning that has ever been witnessed on Earth. It was so bad that I actually showed up to the exam with a bucket in hand and strategically seated myself near the exit. (I studied for that exam gosh darnit, and i refused to miss it!) In this case, sickness struck, but stress was low (and stubbornness was high, but that's neither here nor there).

So what insight did we just uncover? Absolutely none. Stress does not cause sickness (but does cause strange facial ticks) and sickness happens in the absence of stress (but does seem to bring out stubbornness).

I must therefore conclude that today's episode was caused by other, unrelated factors.

I certainly hope my FIT paper was more coherent & conclusive than this blog seems to be. I blame the fever.

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