Monday, December 7, 2009

You can't win in a trade-off game

I finally understand - you really can't win in a trade-off game. In this case, it's dark in the atrium and really quite cold, however, my wireless connection is EXCELLENT. On the other hand, it's bright and delightfully warm in 121, but wireless is spotty at best (still not sure if it's my laptop).

Either I choose dim lighting and great tunes (via streaming internet) OR I choose warmth and silence. I literally can't win! There doesn't seem to be an integrated solution. I suppose I could hunt up my ipod, but that sucker has been missing for MONTHS (and would require cleaning my house, *shudder*).

For the sake of my studies, I'll stick with silence, but my sanity might suffer.
(how's that for alliteration!)

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