Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Making the Grade

I found out my grades for the 3 outstanding classes today and overall, I'm pleased. I'm quite an average student, but then again, most of us are.

What I've learned from my Q1 exam experience:

Take the easy As. Use your strengths - and A is an A. It doesn't matter whether it's in Econ, MPO or Stats. I made the mistake of spending more time studying for the hard classes rather than editing my FIT paper. I know that an extra hour spent on FIT would have resulted in an 'A' paper, but I chose to hand it in "as is" and got a B+. This time around, I'm going to take the As where I can and not worry about the others (as long as I end up average).

Accept average. Average isn't terrible. When I look at the people around me, I'm beyond impressed. To be average in a group of stars isn't a bad place to be.

All As are equal. Some people say disparaging comments about the so called 'soft courses.' But if you aren't good at managing people or at marketing a product, how successful a business leader will you ultimately be?

I honestly don't believe that the entire purpose of the MBA is to learn Finance. Yes, that's important too, but nothing that you couldn't learn from a book.

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