I have gotten into the habit of bringing a novel with me for my commute home. I need some time to unwind after class and leafing through a well-worn paperback has always been a sure fire way to bring my mind back to earth. This week's tale is 'Bloodletting and Other Miraculous Cures'. I picked it for a couple of reasons - first, it has nothing to do with business and second, it has a cool title.
Unfortunately, it has failed in it's intended purpose which is escape and ultimate relaxation - the first page begins with a detailed account of exam writing (1st year med students.) The stress pouring off the page seeped in through my fingers, mingling with my already soaring blood pressure and feeding my budding ulcer.
It was good to reflect and contrast with my own test-taking experiences. I could see myself in the description of one of the characters, Fitzgerald, as he tried to get inside the material to truly learn what it was all about. Unlike the other main, Ming, who spent time learning the trivia and details in order to ace her exams. I am certainly not the top of my class (hopefully not the bottom either), but I have really been loving classes and the learning that I've been doing. My brain has never been so stretched. I feel pulled in a thousand directions. And I'm loving every second of it!
Only one exam left and it's my arch nemesis: Accounting.
I have learned one really important lesson this term - hire an accountant & treat him/her REALLY WELL because they are doing important work that is actually quite boring. Accountants should get a nice, cushy office with a window and an endless supply of coffee, because heaven only knows how they keep their eyes awake.
In all seriousness, the course has been challenging, but it is a necessary evil. I may not love every second that I spend on the subject, but I can see how useful the material will be. This is our midterm examination so the course continues next week.
As tired as I am, I can't wait for next quarter to begin - even though word on the street is it will in fact put me in the ground.
Replacing MPO, FIT & Economics are Finance, Strategy and Managing Customer Value (hereafter to be known as MCV).
We had an into session for Strategy in our last week of classes. The prof (her name escapes me at the moment) seems really dynamic. I love when people are excited about their work. We are supposed to spend 3 hours preparing our case studies so that class time can be spent discussing various aspects of the case. I love talking, so hopefully the class will be all I'm hoping it will be (and more).
Managing Customer Value is our marketing class. Clearly I'm excited about that because I'm a big fan.
I'm a bit wary of Finance because it's so foreign to me. It is also going to be a lot of work - 3 hour homework assignments prior to each class. Homework is submitted online so we can't half-ass it. We will also each be giving a presentation.
While my focus for this terms topics is already fading in my weariness, I'm already looking ahead to next quarter (next week) and the new challenges that await. Oh what a nerd am I?